Thursday, February 27, 2020

Health care reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health care reform - Research Paper Example In the film Sicko, by Michael Moore, he looked at the inequalities that exist between the United States healthcare systems in comparison to that in other countries. The way in which he showed his argument both in the interviews as well as his actions makes a compelling argument for the inadequacy of US healthcare. While universal healthcare and non-profit systems such as in Canada and Cuba are great, however the expenses come at a price to the people. It does point out the inequalities that exist in comparing the US to other nations. The biggest shocking fact was that 9/11 victims were not being treated adequately. As a result, they had to travel to another country in order to get the aid they needed. It is an inadequacy that we are medically treating criminals and enemies of the state for free, while our own people who either can or cannot afford medical insurance are forced to try to make due with the system that is already in place. The IOM paper was able to provide a good methodo logy for the development and re-establishment of the US healthcare system. It calls for reform not only in the way in which the healthcare system works, but also in which physicians, nurses, etc. should behave and work with citizens. The focus is on treating the patient not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. It also calls for making healthcare more easily accessible. The biggest flaw with the article in what is needed in order to promote the changes in both medical education and hospital regulation is the monetary budget that would be required. Even if a reform was able to be funded, it would take years to completely revolutionize the system. The idea and components are sound, some of which are easier to change than others. The biggest problem with the United States healthcare is the disparities, or the inequalities that exist. One of the largest things that is emphasized in the culture and business of the United States is social Darwinism. Those that can afford healthcare and those that cannot will suffer inequalities. The example was pointed out that those with low grade health insurances usually don’t get screened for illnesses such as cancers and diabetes. This then leads to the progression of the illness which by the time it is diagnosed, it already has a high probability of mortality rate. In addition, access to certain resources and physicians is also limited by socioeconomic status. The problem with our healthcare system is the inadequacy of addressing medical concerns on a high output level. Even though technology and medical science has been increasing, there are still problems in the medical sector. Part of the problem is the training that is being received in medical school, nursing school etc. So much is put into technology and medication that the patient/doctor relationship is almost non-existent. In addition, empathy isn’t always shown to patients especially those who suffer from dehabilitating illnesses. The ci vil population also always has to deal with high insurance premiums because the price of medical treatment and medicines has increased. It is also because the malpractice insurance has also risen as a result of doctors being sued for improper medical treatment. The idea of socialized and universal healthcare is great in theory and in some societies such as Canada and Cuba, it may be possible. However, the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Samat pricing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Samat pricing - Essay Example Buying the product through an infomercial and shopping at the store both provide different channels for the same product. Purchasing an item on a website would be another channel a company could use to differentiate prices. ‘Regional pricing’ refers to the practice of pricing items differently in different regions, sometimes to better match local economies. Often cars are priced by regional pricing, and a person may pay more or less for a vehicle depending on the town, or even the country, in which they live. Anyone who has watched a home shopping network knows what ‘time based differentiation’ is. It is the practice of charging a different price based on how quickly a consumer gets an item or the length it takes to provide a service. Sometimes, if you â€Å"order now!† you’ll get a discount, or you may pay more if you ask for overnight shipping. When it is not possible for a company to use other sorts of price differentiation, ‘product v ersioning’ is a tactic that is sometimes used. The company creates slightly different ‘versions’ of the same product in order to adjust price by region or price sensitivity, justifying it by saying that it is a different version. The Apple corporation is known to do this sometimes with their ipod line. If the customer is unfamiliar with the features provided by the device, the company can simply repackage it into a slightly different package, and call it a new version, justifying any price changes they wish. Oftentimes, a company will offer coupons or rebates as a customer incentive. These are often beneficial financially to the company for several reasons. If a customer has a coupon for a particular item, they may go to a store they do not usually frequent to redeem it. This gets people in the door who may purchase additional items than the one they intended to come for. Also, in the case of rebates, since the customer must send them in after purchase and some l ose them or forget, this can sometimes lead to greater company profits. SECTION 2 Through the use of dynamic pricing, demand can be shifted from one period of time in a quarter or sales period to another. As available capacity increases, a shift is made in the product to another quarter by a changing the price. Through this practice, the company can attempt to predict the overall demand for their product. If sales are an uncertainty, a company may want to increase prices so that product manufacturing is controlled. This way, they do not create more supply than demand. Demand can change by season, and should be considered a variable. SECTION 3 The strategy of the Coca Cola Corportation was successful because it allowed the company to increase profit margins on days with a higher temperature. Consumers may have felt differently if they had realized that Coke was capitalizing on their thirst, and the heat, a factor that they the customer could not control. Some may have felt that they were being taken advantage of in this way. This example of price gouging was effective because the consumer at large accepted the situation and was unaware of the practice, they just knew they wanted their sodas. SECTION 4 [I WASN'T SURE THAT YOUR ANSWER TO THIS WAS ACTUALLY CORRECT, SO I TOOK THE LIBERTY OF REWRITING IT. IF YOU LIKE IT, PLEASE USE IT, IF NOT, DELETE THIS AND GO BACK TO YOUR PREVIOUS WORK.] In the case of the clothing company, Zara, they utilize a time sensitive outsourcing strategy. They outsource lines of clothing that are still selling, but